Refresher and updating proficiency in medical first aid

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  • Refresher and updating proficiency in medical first aid

1.1          Scope

The course aims to provide the training for candidates to provide medical first aid on board ship, in accordance with Section A-VI/4 of the STCW Code.



1.2          Learning Objective                                                                   

This syllabus covers the requirements of STCW 1978 as amended chapter VI, Section A-VI/4, Table A-V/4-1.


1.3          purpose

On meeting the minimum standard of competence in medical first aid, a trainee will be competent to apply immediate first aid in the event of accident or illness on board.


1.4         COURSE Duration

                Total Duration = 6 hrs. 


1.5         Entry Standards / Learner staTUS

The course is open to:


  • Persons who have completed IMO Model Course No 1.14 Proficiency in Medical first Aid 

